At AKALAKA, we believe in providing the best support and resources to those who need and give the greatest care.

We are working toward timely, thoughtful, and delightful home & community-based services for individuals and families.

AKALAKA is the network of support and resources for sibling care partners on their lifelong journeys with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We know ~80% of individuals have siblings and it is the longest relationship for most, so we want to cultivate these relationships to grow a trusted network of siblings across families who care for each other.

AKALAKA creates opportunities for sibling care partners from different families to connect with each other, learn together, grow together, and handle life together.

\ ah-ka-la-ka \

AKALAKA is an Igbo word that translates literally to mean ‘handprint’ and figuratively, to mean ‘destiny.’ As our handprints differ, our life journeys differ. With AKALAKA, we realize our shared destiny and join hand in hand to confidently handle life together.

Taking Care of Siblings

Here, we share stories, lessons, and solutions. Join us to get connected to your network of support and resources today.

Please contact us at with any questions or suggestions. Thank you 🌻